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Academic Staff


проф. дфн. Стефана Димитрова / Prof. Dr. Habil. Stefana Dimitrova

Stefana Dimitrova is a professor, doctor habilis in Slavic and General Linguistics. She has lectured in the universities of Shumen, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria), Łódź (Poland), Göttingen (Germany), in the US and in many other European countries. She has chaired the Section of General and Applied Linguistics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Stefana Dinitrova gives courses in Linguistic Relativity, Pragmatics and Grammar and Pragmatics and Translation in various Master’s programmes at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. She has more than 470 scientific publications. Among her most popular books are: “Quantitative and Structural Methods in Art Theory”, “Linguistic Relativity”, “Language Demagogy”. She has edited and co-authored numerous collections of articles including: “Text Linguistics”, “Pragmatics of Text”, “Language and Idiolect”. Тhe first two volumes of the comparative Bulgarian-Russian Grammar, edited by Stefana Dimitrova, “Phonetics” and “Syntax” were published in 2009. She has received many Bulgarian and international awards for her publications.


проф. д.пс.н. Ирина Зиновиева / Prof. Dr. Habil. Irina Zinovieva

Irina Zinovieva is professor of differential psychology, organizational behavior, and international human resources management at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsky. She has worked in a number of European universities and research centers such as Oxford University, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities (NIAS), Tilburg University, and The University of Paris V René Descartes. Prof. Zinovieva was principal investigator and researcher in many international projects involving seventeen European countries, four Asian countries, and the USA. She has done research and consultancy work for the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Brussels Regional Government, Unisys Corporation, Saville & Holdsworth Ltd etc. She has authored five books and more than 50 scientific articles and book chapters.

проф. д-р. Людмила Илиева / Prof. Dr. Ludmila Ilieva

Ludmila Ilieva is an associate professor in Theory and Practice of Translation at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese studies, whose director she has been since 2011. She is also the director of the Master’s Programme in Interpretation at Spanish Philology. Her scientific interests are in the field of literary, oral and legal translation. She has authored the monography ‘The Interpreter and Themis. A Functional Characteristic of Legal Translation”. She has translated into Bulgarian various novels of authors such as Javier Marías, Juan Carlos Onetti, Ernesto Sabato, Suso de Toro, etc.  She focuses on both the theoretical problems and the practical challenges of interpretation.

проф. дфн. Христо Кафтанджиев / Prof. Dr. Habil. Christo Kaftandjiev

Christo Kaftandjiev is a professor, Ph.D. and Doctor Habilis on marketing communications in Faculty of Journalism, Sofia University, Bulgaria, in Tomsk University, Russia and in Ukraine university “Boris Grinchenko”. He specialized in Holland (CITO Institute); UK (Westminster University); and Ireland (Dublin Institute of Technology). His courses are on general theory of advertising; intercultural aspects of marketing communications, design, merchandising communications, digital marketing communication, creativity and advertising; communicative strategies of advertising; advertising campaigns; semiotics and advertising, etc. He has published many scientific articles and books on these topics  including “The Language of Advertising. Graphics and Text”, “Visual Communications”; “The Texts of Print Advertising”; “Harmony in Advertising Communication”; “The Images of Women in Advertising”; “Absolut Semiotics”; “Sex and Violence in Advertising”; “Heroes and Beauties in Advertising”, etc. He has been awarded the academic world star of the International Academy of Authorized Education, US. He is a member of the International Board of Judges & Advisors in The New York Festivals (US), the Board of Superbrands (Bulgaria), and Digital Communication Awards (Germany). Christo Kaftandjiev is codirector of the Master’s Programme in Semiotics, Language and Advertising in English and Spanish.

проф. дфн. Иванка Мавродиева / Prof. Doc. Hab. Ivanka Mavrodieva

Ivanka Mavrodieva, Prof., PhD, Doc. Hab. is a lecturer on rhetoric, business communication, public relations and academic writing at Sofia University. She is the author of 10 books presenting scientific information in new and traditional spheres covered by the researcher: “Parliamentary Rhetoric in Bulgaria” (2001), „Job Selection Interview” (2002), „How to Present Effectively?” (2007), „Virtual Rhetoric: from Journals to Online Social Media” (2010), „Academic Writing” (2005); „Academic Communication” (2010) – co-author is Yovka Tisheva, “Political Rhetoric in Bulgaria: from meeting to Web 2.0 (1989-2012), “Rhetoric and Public relations” (2013), „Academic Writing for PhD” ” (2014) – co-author is Yovka Tisheva. Mavrodieva has authored 90 articles and has edited „Contemporary Rhetorical Practices” (2010), „Patterns of Modern Oratory” (2010), „Communications in Virtual Environment” (2010). She is an editor of e-journal “Rhetoric and Communication”. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Rhetorical Society of Europe. Mavrodieva is the Editor-in-Chief of the e-journal “Rhetoric and Communications”:

доц. д-р. Петър Моллов / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Mollov

Peter Mollov is an associate professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He teaches several courses in the Bachelor’s Degree of Spanish Studies: Spanish Medieval Literature, Spanish Literature of the Golden Age and Spanish Baroque Poetry. He teaches Translation in the Master’s Programmes “Interpretation” and “Applied Linguistics” and different courses, related with Spanish literature and culture, in the Master’s Programmes “Ibero-American Studies” and “Semiotics, language and advertising”. He is the author of  several books: La parodia en la poesía de Francisco de Quevedo y Luis de Góngora and Sátira y burla de los defectos, las debilidades y los vicios humanos en la poesía española de la Edad barroca, as well as a Manual of Vocabulary and Translation.

д-р Калина Петкова/PhD Kalina Petkova

Kalina Petkova is a Sofia University graduate with bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and master’s degree in Philosophy of Mind and Language. She is a PhD in the field of Journalism: Intercultural Communication having her research focus on the borderline between Minority and Gender Studies combining both scopes in a thesis devoted to minority women in Bulgaria and their media portrayal. Petkova is a PR and marketing communications professional with some 15 years of experience in corporate environment. She has additional experience as a free-lance author in local media and media observer and analyst for NGO projects.

доц. д-р. Теодора Петрова / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teodora Petrova

Dr. Teodora Petrova is an associate professor at  the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia University. Author of more than 30 scientific publications on media. Author of one book on TV programming. Practice as: journalist, producer, CE expert, media consultant and coordinator of EU media projects. Main areas: media and new media, broadcasting, TV programming. Languages: English- written and spoken; Russian and French – spoken.

проф. д-р. Лилия Райчева / Prof. Dr. Lilia Raycheva

Dr. Raycheva is an associate Professor at the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication,  Sofia University (since 1978). She has served as Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and International Affairs (1998-2001) and Head of Radio and Television Department (1999-2001). For seven years she has also served (elected by the National Assembly) as a member of the Council for Electronic Media – the regulatory authority for radio and television broadcasting in Bulgaria (2001-2008) and as such – for three years – as a member of the Standing Committee on Transfrontier Television at the Council of Europe (2005-2008). She has been lecturing home and abroad. She has been extensively published. She is the author of 8 books, of numerous scientific publications and the editor of 3 books. Her professional authorship portfolio includes a number of TV programs (one of them aired 1980-2011). She has also successfully participated in a number of international projects and networks on various mass media issues. Her scientific interests relate to information and communication technologies’ impacts and media developments.

д-р Юлия Роне/Dr. Julia Rone

Julia Rone is a Wiener-Anspach postdoctoral researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), Cambridge. She has a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence with a thesis on mobilizations against free trade agreements. Julia's current research explores contestations over sovereignty in Europe. She has written on hacktivism, digital disobedience, and more recently,  the rise of far right media in Europe.


проф. д-р. Максим Стаменов / Prof. Dr. Maksim Stamenov

Maxim Stamenov, Ph.D., is a professor and chair of the Department for General and Contrastive Linguistics at the Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He works in the fields of general linguistics and psycholinguistics and, more specifically, on the subject of modeling cognitive, emotive-affective and culture-specific aspects of linguistic meaning. He has authored the monographs Проблеми на значението в субективната семантика (1993) and Съдбата на турцизмите в българския език и в българската култура (2011). He has co-authored the following books: Лингвистика на текста (1995), Език и съзнание (1998), Прагматика на текста (2001), Език и манталитет (2004) и Език и идиолект (2006). He is the compiler and (co-)editor of the collective volumes Current Advances in Semantic Theory (1992), Fractals of Brain, Fractals of Mind (1996), Language Structure, Discourse and the Access to Consciousness (1997) and Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language (2002), published by the Dutch Publisher John Benjamins (Amsterdam & Philadelphia).

проф. д-р. Йовка Тишева / Prof. Dr. Yovka Tisheva

Yovka Tisheva – PhD, Professor at the Department of Bulgarian Language, Faculty of Slavic Studies at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski„. She teaches courses in Modern Bulgarian language, Dynamics of Language Processes, Colloquial Bulgarian, Academic and Business Communication for students from undergraduate and master’s programs at the Faculty of Slavic Studies and the Faculty of Philosophy. Her research interests are in the areas of Bulgarian grammar (morphology and syntax), oral and written communication, pragmatics, language teaching and evaluation. She has written several books and articles on Bulgarian grammar, among others „Models for interpretation of complex sentences in modern Bulgarian“ (2000), „Structural models of interrogative sentences in Bulgarian“ (2004), „Academic communication“ – with I. Mavrodieva (2010).


проф. д-р. Милена Попова / Prof. Dr. Milena Popova

Milena Popova is a professor, Ph.D., at the Deaprtment of Spanish and Portuguesse Studies at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. She teaches a wide range of theoretical courses both at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Her courses include: Syntax of the Simple and the Compound Sentence, Pragmatics, Pragmatic Analysis of Jokes, Semiotic Systems and Pragmatics. She has published various monographies among which: Information and Syntactic Structure of the Utterance in Spanish,  Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of the Syntactic Categories in Contemporary Spanish, A la hora de hablar. Hacia una competencia comunicativa. She is a guest professor at the universitites of Veliko Tarnovo and Skopie. She is codirector of the Master’s Programme in Semiotics, Language and Advertising in English and Spanish.

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